
Most advanced treatment of kidney stone Surgery including all types of endoscopic surgery like PCNL, mini-PCNL, RIRS and URS using Latest Holmium Laser. Best doctor in kanpur.

Are you searching for a good doctor for kidney stones then you are at right place now. We have given our services to many patients in Kidney Stone in Kanpur and gave very good results. Kidney stones are very common, but they can give very serious consequences if left for a long time because if it stays for a long time, it can infect our kidney, which can be very fatal for our life. This disease affects about 12% of the total population of India. Of those 12% people, 50% of the people can have complete kidney failure if they do not get treatment. Every day so many people lose their lives due to this disease, which is a very simple disease but takes serious form due to negligence. But we and our doctors would be engaged in this effort day and night: that in a smart city like Kanpur, no people should die of this disease and no one should take him seriously.

Well, there are many kidney doctors. But we and our organization provide some special facilities in Kanpur. You will have to come to our organization for treatment then you will know the treatment procedure. The process of treatment is very easy, first you will be examined and then for how long. How many old stones are there and for what reason they are being treated, if your stones come out of the toilet, you will be given this kind of treatment. And efforts will be made to get you well as soon as possible.

What Is the Best Treatment for Kidney Stone?

Treatment of kidney stone depend upon its size, number and location. So, there is no single best treatment of kidney stone applicable to all. Other factors that may influence treatment options are patient’s overall health, associated illnesses, affordability of various treatment options , expertise and preference by surgeon.  Generally stone less than 6 mm in size does not require surgical removal as this much size stone can pass itself without causing much trouble. If pain last more than ten days then surgical removal of stone is must. Long term pain and obstruction by kidney stone can lead to irreversible damage to kidney. Kidney can be silently damaged by kidney stone obstruction even in absence of any symptoms like pain. Overall goal of stone treatment is pain relief and protection of kidney function.    Stone which are bigger than 7 mm and causing symptoms like  pain, fever , blood in urine , deterioration in kidney function etc,  require removal by following methods:

What is ESWL: 
ESWL stand for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy which mean breaking the stone via shock waves focused from out side body. Shock waves are actually modified  sound wave which are created via a special device called shock wave lithotripter. Shock waves produced via this  device are focused over stone via special mirrors. These focused Shock wave break the stone  without causing much trauma to surrounding organs. ESWL is suitable for small size stones situated inside kidney. Fragments created by ESWL are flushed out though urine , however large fragment may obstruct urinary tract and may cause significant pain and blood in urine during passage of these fragments. Quite often , additional surgery may be required to remove these fragments. Stone which are not visible on x-ray can not be focused on ESWL. Some time stone are too hard to fragment and may required repeated procedures to break it. ESWL is gradually being replaced by other endoscopic minimal invasive surgeries due to its unpredictable results. 


PCNL( Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy):

  Percutaneous means through skin, nephrolithotomy means breaking kidney stone . PCNL is a minimal invasive endoscopic surgery for kidney stone. In this technique a small puncture is done in skin of back over particular kidney and a track is created from there up to kidney. Special instruments and endoscopes are passed through this track to reach up to stone inside kidney. Stone is localized there and broken under vision via various energy devices ( pneumatic lithotripter,  laser , ultrasonic device etc.). Stones fragments are removed through same track.   Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is typically recommended for Large size and complex kidney stone. ( > 20 mm ).

                Risks of PCNL: The most common risks from percutaneous nephrolithotomy include:·   Bleeding ( about 5-10% cases), Infection ( about 5-10% cases), Injury to the kidney or other organs ( 1-2 % cases) , Incomplete stone removal ( 5-10 % cases) . 

How long stay in hospital is required after PCNL surgery?

 You may stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days after the procedure. You can walk next day after surgery  but You may need to avoid heavy lifting and pushing or pulling for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. You may be able to return to work after about a week. A tube ( nephrostomy tube) may be placed in certain patient to drain dirty urine and stone dust. It is removed usually after one or two days. In almost all patient a different thin tube or stent ( dj stent) is placed inside kidney up to urinary bladder. This stent does not visible form out side and does not interfere with any of your activity. Due to DJ stent, You may feel frequent urination, or pain at last drop of urination. DJ stent is removed after ten to fifteen days post surgery in day care under local anesthesia.  

What is mini-PCNL: 

Mini –PCNL is further less invasive surgery for kidney stone in which smaller track is made over kidney in comparison to standard PCNL ( about one third smaller size hole in comparison to standard PCNL). This lead to less complication like bleeding and trauma to surrounding organs. Instrument used in this technique are thinner  than standard PCN. Stone in mini-pcnl are usually broken by Laser. Mini-PCNL are ideal for 10-20mm kidney stone, or stone in upper ureter. Stone clearance is comparable with less complication. 


RIRS: ( retrograde intrarenal surgery) : 

This is the most advanced minimal invasive technology for kidney stones less than 15 in size. In this technology, a long flexible endoscope ( ureteroscope ) is passed up to kidney from urethra via urinary bladder and ureter. No cut or hole in kidney is required. So practically it is blood less and pain less surgery. Flexible ureteroscope allow navigation at any corner of kidney, so it is best used for stones in calyx. Multiple stones hidden in various calyx can be seen and fragmented by this technology, which could be missed by PCNL. Stone seen via scope are fragmented in fine dust like particles by laser ( Holmium or thulium laser ). Although most of these fragment flush out through ureter during time of surgery but few residual fragments gradually pass in subsequent days without any trouble or pain. 

Risks and limitation of RIRS: 
RIRS also has certain limitations. Large bulk stone are not suitable for RIRS, as chance of incomplete clearance is high with large size stone. If ureter is narrow , scope can not be passed on first attempt . In this scenario, A DJ stent is placed for 10 day which make ureter wide and straight. After ten days, ureter may allow passage of scope. So RIRS can be a two stage surgery., RIRS has higher risk of urinary sepsis ( Fever , flank pain, haematuria)in comparison to PCNL. RIRS is also costly in comparison to PCNL due to delicate and costly instruments and disposables.

