Female Urology ( Uro-Gynecology)
महिलाओं में खांसने या छींकने में पेशाब का स्वतः निकल जाना स्ट्रेस इंकॉन्टीनेंस ( stress incontinence ) का टेप सर्जरी द्वारा इलाज बच्चे दानी के बाहर आने ( prolapse ) का आधुनिकतम इलाज , महिलाओं में बार बार पेशाब में इन्फ़ेक्सन का इलाज |
What is female urology and what problems can it cause and how to treat them, and at the same time, these people in Kanpur also talk about it. What disease is cured in female urology, let’s know Some of the secret diseases caused by women would be treated in this: which is to be taken care of all the problems of having children with their urine. Female urology in kanpur The hidden problem faced by women is treated You can visit us here, we will solve your problem very easily and you will get rid of your diseases.
Talking about female urology, this disease is very simple, but then it can give a lot of problems, from giving birth to a child to mole urine. In women, this problem can happen in kidney and children can be problem in donor and our doctors treat you very well after checkup and you can solve your problem. Female urology in kanpur Through this you can get the treatment of your mothers and sisters and you can give happiness to their life. If your sisters have any urinary problems, then you should treat them and you should increase their morale, why if you have taken the initiative then it could be a problem late.